Wednesday, November 25, 2009

wednesday night at screwball

So here it is, Wednesday night. I'm waiting for a coated screen to dry so's I can burn it. The classical station has been all the rage around here lately. Reminds me of being with the fam at the holidays, but maybe that's because it's the holidays and there's not much that won't remind me of home.... ANYHOW I'm almost done with some prints for some pals and it's so nice to be back in Chicago and Pops learned how to play and hooray!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

SO! turns out.

I was informed that my 2008 Hideout Block Party poster was featured on the interior design blog Apartment Therapy.

Upon closer inspection I found that this woman Beth had painted her wall to match the blue on my poster, which was cool enough, you know...

But THEN, upon even CLOSER inspection, I found that she was in a contest for best color scheme or something, and under the microscope.....

congratulations to this Beth character, I hope she won something cool! And thanks to her and other folkses on the design blog scene for the shouts out.


ps, those were supposed to be links. sorry for the need to copy-paste.